Save object in browser with PouchDB

jQuery makes it simpler to grab the page ready event and select items.

$ ->

Creating a new PouchDB object with the same name will load it from the browser storage.

    db = new PouchDB 'my_db'

The document ID has to be unique in the database.

    my_doc_id = 'my_text'

db.get requests the document with the given ID.

    db.get my_doc_id
    , (err, doc)->

This will receive a 404 error before you save a value because a document with matching ID does not exist yet.

        if err
            console.error err

            $ '#my_input'
            .val doc.my_value

Add a listener to the button to save the value when clicked.

    $ '#my_button'
    .click (e)->

        value = $ '#my_input'

        doc =
            _id: my_doc_id
            my_value: value

db.put saves the document, replacing the current document with the matching ID.

        db.put doc

        .catch (err)->
            console.error err

        .then (doc)->
            console.log 'JSON doc saved!'

Demo controls